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A5 Beige Notebook/Journal

Karuna Dawn
Handcrafted, eco-friendly notebook made from natural Teak leaves.
$45.00| In Stock
Karuna Dawn
Fulfilled by Karuna Dawn

Key Features

Handmade from fallen Teak leaves
Re-fillable pages for extended use
Non-toxic, plant-based dye and sealant


Utilises fallen Teak leaves, a natural and sustainable material, to create a uniquely sustainable product offering.

Karuna Dawn partners with ethical production houses, employing women from rural communities, thus supporting fair trade and providing employment opportunities in marginalised areas.

Designed to be refillable, extending the life cycle of each notebook and supporting a lean towards a more circular economy.

The use of non-toxic film for dyeing and sealing the leaves ensures a safe product for both consumers and the environment.


Experience the natural beauty and sustainability of the A5 Beige Notebook/Journal from Karuna Dawn. Crafted from fallen Teak leaves gathered in Northern Thailand, each notebook is a testament to eco-friendly artistry. Its unique cover, dyed and sealed with a non-toxic film, embodies the intricate patterns of nature, ensuring no two notebooks are alike.

The thoughtfully designed refillable pages invite long-term use, while the blank, unruled paper caters to creatives and professionals alike. Whether for journaling, sketching, or note-taking, this notebook stands as a kind alternative to traditional paper products.

Karuna Dawn commits to sustainable practices, from the materials selected to the handcrafted production process. Each purchase supports the livelihoods of artisans and reinforces a move towards more compassionate, sustainable choices.

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