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Lemon Myrtle Wine Bottle Candle

Fenix Candle Co
A uniquely Australian scent encapsulated in a repurposed wine bottle
$44.00| In Stock
Fenix Candle Co
Fulfilled by Fenix Candle Co

Key Features

Made from recycled wine bottles
Filled with 100% soy wax
Infused with Lemon Myrtle for an authentic Australian Bush scent
50+ hours burn time
Crafted on the Mornington Peninsula


Fenix Candle Co champions sustainability by using recycled wine bottles and 100% soy wax, making each candle a testament to eco-friendly practices.

By offering a refill service at 50% of the original cost, Fenix Candle Co encourages the reuse of candle vessels, promoting a low waste lifestyle among its customers.

Fenix Candle Co supports local businesses on the Mornington Peninsula through partnerships, recycling their wine bottles into beautiful, sustainable candles.


Lemon Myrtle Wine Bottle Candle brings a piece of the Australian bush into your home. Crafted with care, each candle is a story of sustainability and local artisanship. Nestled in a classic green coloured glass, these candles are repurposed from local restaurants and wineries on the Mornington Peninsula, turning waste into treasure.

Infused with the light citrus and fresh green herbal notes of Lemon Myrtle, this candle offers a perfectly balanced scent that's distinctly Australian. The varying weight (550-750g full) of these candles speaks to the unique journey of each glass before it became your candle, offering over 50 hours of burn time.

Embrace the essence of the Australian landscape while contributing to a brighter, cleaner planet.

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