Get Furnished

Get Furnished

Simplifying rentals with sustainable, hassle-free furnishing solutions. Your path to comfortable living begins here.

Our commitment

Our sustainability journey at Get Furnished is marked by a steadfast commitment to reducing our environmental impact. We embrace a circular economy model, extending the life of furnishings, recycling materials, and sourcing sustainable products. We prioritize waste reduction, energy efficiency, eco-friendly packaging, and community engagement. We're actively exploring carbon offset initiatives to neutralize emissions. Our dedication to sustainability is integral to our mission, and we continually strive to contribute to a greener, more eco-conscious future.

Our Sustainability Framework

  • What is your company doing to reduce your emissions or combat key environmental issues (e.g. waste (packaging, end of life product strategy or recycling), biodiversity, land use, water, chemical use, energy use, and natural resource use etc.)?

    Get Furnished is dedicated to reducing its environmental impact by embracing a circular economy approach, recycling materials, sourcing sustainable products, optimizing energy efficiency, and exploring carbon offset initiatives. We prioritize waste reduction, eco-friendly packaging, water and energy conservation, and community engagement. Our commitment to sustainability is an integral part of our mission to provide hassle-free furnished rentals.

  • How are the service/s you offer environmentally friendly?

    Our services at Get Furnished are environmentally friendly through a circular economy approach, reusing and refurbishing furnishings, sourcing sustainable products, recycling materials, optimizing energy efficiency, and engaging in community outreach to promote responsible consumption. This commitment reduces waste, conserves resources, and supports eco-conscious living.

  • How does your company give back to the community (e.g. financial donations, volunteering, partnerships etc.)?

    While we are a startup, Get Furnished is committed to future community engagement. We aim to initiate programs, partnerships, and volunteering opportunities to give back to our community as we grow, aligning with our values of sustainability and responsible living.

  • How has your company made a commitment to achieve and maintain inclusion & diversity (e.g. Gender / Race / Ethnicity / National Origin / Sexual Orientation / Religion / Disability / Age)?

    Get Furnished is proud to have a strong commitment to inclusion and diversity. We actively foster a workplace culture that values individuals from all backgrounds and demographics. We ensure equal opportunities, fair treatment, and create an inclusive environment where everyone's unique perspectives are welcomed and respected. Our dedication to diversity is embedded in our hiring practices, policies, and ongoing training to promote equality and celebrate differences.

  • How does your circular model or circular initiative work?

    Our circular initiative at Get Furnished revolves around extending the lifespan of furnishings. We refurbish and repair items instead of disposing of them, reducing waste. Sustainable product sourcing ensures eco-friendly choices. Recycling and responsible disposal further minimize environmental impact. This circular approach is integral to our business, aligning with our commitment to sustainability and the promotion of a greener, more eco-conscious future.

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