Loving Earth

Loving Earth

Makers of bean-to-bar chocolate, activated cereals and lots more. Created in our solar powered factory, our products are vegan and our chocolate packaging is zero waste. We're a future focussed regenerative company making really good things to eat.

Our commitment

We're on a mission be one of the world's most loved ethical brands, while creating true value for the earth's natural assets. We source our cacao from the Ashaninka community in the Peruvian Amazon. We pay above fair-trade for their heirloom cacao, which is regeneratively grown under the forest canopy. Our chocolate packaging is 100% compostable. The inner film is made from plant fibre, our boxes are post consumer recycled and printed with vegetable ink. Our Melbourne factory has solar panels. We have a deep connection with the Twin Lakes Cultural Park in the Kimberley, an indigenous organisation, harvesting and commercialising traditional bush foods. We have been working with them since 2007 supporting their traditional land care practices and helping get the word out about their amazing products.

Our Sustainability Framework

  • What is your company doing to reduce your emissions or combat key environmental issues (e.g. waste (packaging, end of life product strategy or recycling), biodiversity, land use, water, chemical use, energy use, and natural resource use etc.)?

    Our factory has solar panels. All of our chocolate bar packaging is compostable. We use post consumer recycled plastic jars. We are phasing out glass due to the global sand shortage. Our cacao is shade grown the Amazon forest using traditional methods. This means the forest is preserved instead of being clear felled. All of our products are vegan, eliminating the environmental stress that raising cattle and sheep puts on our soil and forests.

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  • How are the products your company offers made from environmentally friendly materials (e.g. recycled, organic materials)?

    All of our chocolate bar packaging is compostable and made from post consumer recycled board and printed with vegetable inks. We use post consumer recycled plastic jars. We believe it is our responsibility to reuse the plastic that is already choking our environment. We are phasing out glass as there is a significant sand shortage worldwide. Sand it the major component of glass.

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  • Do you partner with ethical factories that meet international labor standards? What processes have you implemented to make your supply chain more sustainable?

    We work with the Ashaninka community in the Peruvian rainforest and we have done for seven years. They grow and harvest as a community, using their traditional land care methods. No slave labour is used in their harvest and we pay above fair trade price for their heirloom cacao. We also work with the Nyul Nyul community in the Kimberley, through the Twin Lakes Cultural Park. Loving Earth have been working with them since 2007, helping commercialise their bush food, most significantly their Gubinge and their Jilunjin Dreaming tea. Through both communities we support Regenerative Agriculture and traditional land care. This is central to our business model.

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  • How does your company give back to the community (e.g. financial donations, volunteering, partnerships etc.)?

    In the past we have donated to Sea Shepherd and the whole company has volunteered for tree planting on the Edgars Creek in Coburg.

  • How has your company made a commitment to achieve and maintain inclusion & diversity (e.g. Gender / Race / Ethnicity / National Origin / Sexual Orientation / Religion / Disability / Age)?

    Our hiring policy is to hire regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, disability and age.

  • How does your circular model or circular initiative work?

    Our chocolate packaging is compostable.

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