

Care for your HAIR | BODY | COUNTRY Made in Australia with Australian Native Botanicals

Our commitment

Ethical Labour // SOPHIC Care is made in Australia which means that the people who manufacture our products are paid fairly and work in safe environments. Empowering Communities // We have made a conscious decision to only purchase from local manufacturers within a 50km radius from HQ. Keeping manufacturers close means we can support our community and Australian business, and keep our carbon footprint low. Cruelty Free & Vegan // You can rest easy in the knowledge that SOPHIC is both cruelty free and vegan. Low Impact Packaging // We have chosen to package our entire CARE range in recycled glass and aluminium. Both glass and aluminium can be recycled infinitely. Clean Ingredients // Our CARE range is free from synthetic fragrances, sulfates, silicones, artificial colourants, petrochemicals, parabens, PEGS and phthalates. Made with a minimum of 95% naturally derived ingredients and featuring several powerful Australian native botanicals.

Our Sustainability Framework

  • What is your company doing to reduce your emissions or combat key environmental issues (e.g. waste (packaging, end of life product strategy or recycling), biodiversity, land use, water, chemical use, energy use, and natural resource use etc.)?

    We have made a conscious decision to source at least 50% of costs from local and independentsuppliers. Our entire CARE range is produced with local manufacturers within a 50km radius from HQ. Keeping manufacturers close means, the distance to send product is short and the carbon footprint low. We are proud to say the entire SOPHIC Care range is made right here in Australia! Made with a minimum of 95% naturally derived ingredients, we have also featured several powerful Australian native botanicals including Kakadu Plum, Quandong, Kangaroo Apple, Lemon Myrtle, Lilly Pilly and Desert Lime. We want to honour Australia’s culture and landscape and celebrate its flora and fauna. We have chosen to package our entire CARE range in recycled glass and aluminium. Both glass and aluminium can be recycled infinitely.

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  • How are the products your company offers made from environmentally friendly materials (e.g. recycled, organic materials)?

    All our cleansers are packaged in recyclable and reusable amber bottles with an aluminium lid. This glass is made from at least 70% recycled Australian glass and because of its high recycled glass content gives it the amber colour. Our CARE range is free from synthetic fragrances, sulfates, silicones, artificial colourants, petrochemicals, parabens, PEGS and phthalates. Made with a minimum of 95% naturally derived ingredients, we have also featured several powerful Australian native botanicals including Kakadu Plum, Quandong, Kangaroo Apple, Lemon Myrtle, Lilly Pilly and Desert Lime. We want to honour Australia’s culture and landscape and celebrate its flora and fauna. We use organic and locally sourced ingredients in our formulations.

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  • Do you partner with ethical factories that meet international labor standards? What processes have you implemented to make your supply chain more sustainable?

    We have consciously decided to source at least 50% of costs from local and independent suppliers. We source ingredients and materials from local suppliers wherever possible. Our CARe range is manufactured in Australia. We follow a strict purchasing policy and ask all our suppliers and manufacturers to complete an Ethical Questionnaire before working with them.

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  • How does your company give back to the community (e.g. financial donations, volunteering, partnerships etc.)?

    We donate 1% of e-commerce sales turnover to SevGen. SevGen is a not-for-profit focused on enterprise, education and entrepreneurship. They work on a number of projects which you can check out here. However, we are currently supporting their Galeru: Forever Fuits Project. In 2021, SevGen acquired a Bushtucker orchard property. The goal is to create an Indigenous led Bushtucker Industry and Seed Bank for Regenerative Agriculture. This project will also see collaborations with chefs to start utilising Australian Bushtucker in restaurants.

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  • How has your company made a commitment to achieve and maintain inclusion & diversity (e.g. Gender / Race / Ethnicity / National Origin / Sexual Orientation / Religion / Disability / Age)?

    We want to showcase the beauty of all people. Diversity and inclusion is essential to us which is why you will see different races, genders, bodies, and abilities featured in our marketing campaigns. We promise to never touch up or alter models faces or bodies. Not only do we find this practise damaging but it's also completely unnecessary. You are beautiful just as you are.

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