Sweet Cheeks Merino

Sweet Cheeks Merino

Sweet Cheeks Merino, est. 2007, makes beautiful, sustainable, quality merino wool products for babies and kids. All products are made in NZ by small family sewers with minimal waste and the upmost care. We love keeping kids warm and cosy!

Our commitment

We have four key focuses at Sweet Cheeks Merino: 1. Creating sustainably produced high quality products which last a long time; 2. Minimising waste and pressure on the environment; 3. Giving something good back to the community; 4. Supporting local manufacturing and other small family businesses. We take fabric offcuts that are too small to make clothing from and turn them into beanies and mittens which are donated to charities that keep babies warm. Any scrap too small to be sewn is added to the filling of punching bags and donated to low decile schools around New Zealand. We have eliminated all plastic from our packaging, and whats left is 100% recyclable. Our products are high quality and beautifully made - they are made to last and be passed onto siblings and friends - fighting fast, disposable fashion.

Our Sustainability Framework

  • What is your company doing to reduce your emissions or combat key environmental issues (e.g. waste (packaging, end of life product strategy or recycling), biodiversity, land use, water, chemical use, energy use, and natural resource use etc.)?

    We minimise waste by making sure all usable fabric is cut into beanies or mittens and donated to charity. Any fabric scraps too small to sew into something useful are adde to the filling of punching bags which are donated to low decile schools around New Zealand. Merino wool is 100% biodegradable. When it decomposes, like compost, it releases valuable nutrients back into the ground. We used exclusively GOTS certified dyes. Wool fibres are also biodegrade in marine environments, meaning no micro plastic pollution into our oceans. Our fabric is dyed by a company that recycles and re-uses 85% of their water. All Sweet Cheeks Merino packaging and swing tags are recyclable. We do not use poly bags or single use plastic when dispatching our goods. All our postage bags are compostable. We encourage customers to mend any holes first, pass unfit items onto family and friends, donate to charity or compost garments at the end of their life.

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  • How are the products your company offers made from environmentally friendly materials (e.g. recycled, organic materials)?

    Merino wool is one of the most sustainable fibres. It is a totally sustainable circular fibre. It is 100% biodegradable (on both land and in the ocean). The reason this is so amazing is because this is the total opposite to synthetic fibres (polyester and nylon). Synthetic fabrics are made from fossil fuels and crude oil and does not breakdown. They take hundreds of years to decompose - releasing micro-plastics into the soil and the oceans as they do so. On the contrary, merino not only fully breaks down in a few months, it actually improves the quality of the soil as it does by releasing valuable nutrients back into nature. Merino sheep live off the land and the sun, they eat grass and drink water available to them in their environment. They need to be sheared yearly otherwise their fleece gets too heavy for the sheep to handle. In that regard merino wool is totally sustainable.

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  • Do you partner with ethical factories that meet international labor standards? What processes have you implemented to make your supply chain more sustainable?

    Sweet Cheeks Merino is a small family business who supports other small family business when possible. Our fabric broker, pattern maker, cutter and sewer are also all small family business. We personally know the people behind the products. All our clothing is manufactured in Auckland, New Zealand where we can frequently visit the suppliers. We work with our suppliers to ensure that our good are produced in a way that minimises the amount of waste - no excess packaging and sustainable production.

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  • How does your company give back to the community (e.g. financial donations, volunteering, partnerships etc.)?

    At Sweet Cheeks Merino, we believe in the importance of giving back to our community. As a little company that spans across Australia and New Zealand we have selected a handful of little but important charities to support. Not only are we able to provide Sweet Cheeks Merino to families who would not be able to afford our clothing but it completely minimises our production waste. All fabric off cuts are cut into beanies and mittens which are then donated to families in need. Growing up in New Zealand, we know first hand just how cold the winter mornings can be. And too many houses in New Zealand are not built with sufficient heating. By donating what we can, we are doing our part to help ensure that every newborn starts their life toasty and warm. As our brand grows, we cut more and more fabric which produces more scraps, more samples, more end of line products which we can then donate. By continuing to support Sweet Cheeks Merino, you are helping to make a difference to the lives of hundreds of newborns each year.

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  • How has your company made a commitment to achieve and maintain inclusion & diversity (e.g. Gender / Race / Ethnicity / National Origin / Sexual Orientation / Religion / Disability / Age)?

    We are a small family business, its all hands on deck!

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