

Combining a selection of organic, plant or naturally-derived ingredients every Wanderlust product is consciously created with intelligence and purpose, so you can positively support yourself and the planet.

Our commitment

20 ingredients we will never use While not entirely avoidable, we are exceptionally diligent when it comes to choosing what excipients we use. So much so, that we have developed a NO list of 20 ingredients we will never use: Macrogols Magnesium stearate Crosscarmellose sodium Paraffins Gelatine Crosspovidone / Polyvinyl polypyrrolidone (PVPP) Povidone / Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) Polyethylene glycols (PEGs) Titanium dioxide Iron oxides Talc Polysorbate 80 Benzene Benzoates Polyvinyl alcohol Genetically modified (GMO) ingredients Colourings (artificial or otherwise) Animal products Artificial flavours Synthetic active ingredients This list has been developed via our formulating principles, to emphasise natural and 100% plant powered options and avoid synthetic, artificial ingredients whenever we can. We believe in empowering people to make more considered choices at the shelf, especially when they are shopping for products to help support their overall health & wellness

Our certifications

B Corp

Our Sustainability Framework

  • What is your company doing to reduce your emissions or combat key environmental issues (e.g. waste (packaging, end of life product strategy or recycling), biodiversity, land use, water, chemical use, energy use, and natural resource use etc.)?

    Wanderlust has joined the ranks of conscious organisations that are committed to using business as a force for good: we are now B Corp certified! Being conscious of our environmental and social impact has always been part of our DNA, so becoming a B Corp was the next obvious step in our journey. Our aim is not only to create high quality plant-based products that bring more wellness to the individual and the planet, but more broadly to lead the entire supplement market in sustainable practice driving innovations across the industry. Our hope is that by being one of the first and few Australian supplement brands to become B Corp certified, we will inspire the industry as a whole to do more good. Living up to a B Corp certification is a big undertaking, but it is the reason we get out of bed in the morning. Going through this process has given us a deeper understanding of how we are tracking and what we were already doing well, and to keep ourselves accountable and challenged to continually do better. This is only the beginning – and we can’t wait to take you along on the journey.

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  • How are the products your company offers made from environmentally friendly materials (e.g. recycled, organic materials)?

    Our products are proudly GMO free and some contain organic ingredients. We continuously strive to make greener choices, and endeavour to use organic ingredients wherever possible. One of the most common things we get asked is if our packaging is recyclable... Our product packaging is proudly made from fully recyclable cartons and amber glass jars. We are currently working hard to source plant-friendly solutions for the induction seals, sachets and desiccants. We’ll keep exploring more sustainable ways to keep our packaging out of landfill and protect our natural resources. Our packing peanuts used in our shipping parcels are… 👏 100% biodegradable 👏 Compostable 👏 And they dissolve in water You can safely shop with us knowing you are doing something good for yourself and the planet.

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  • How are the service/s you offer environmentally friendly?

    Getting B Corp certified is not an easy or quick process. The B Corp certification process is administered by an independent non-profit organisation called B Lab, and the process is necessarily lengthy and rigorous to critically evaluate how our practices impact the environment, our community, our employees, and our customers. The assessment involves over 300 questions that companies must answer, and a final B Impact Score is provided. For Wanderlust, this meant almost 18 months of hard work by the entire team, providing evidence of our positive impact and submitting extensive documentation to back up our efforts. It was a huge team effort, contributed to with lots of passion and conviction by everyone.

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  • Do you partner with ethical factories that meet international labor standards? What processes have you implemented to make your supply chain more sustainable?

    Wanderlust partners with ethical suppliers that meet the high standards we aim for.

  • How does your company give back to the community (e.g. financial donations, volunteering, partnerships etc.)?

    Wanderlust participates in numerous activities to give back to the community as demonstrated regularly via our events, products and community participation.

  • How has your company made a commitment to achieve and maintain inclusion & diversity (e.g. Gender / Race / Ethnicity / National Origin / Sexual Orientation / Religion / Disability / Age)?

    We embrace and encourage our employees’ differences in age, disability, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender identity or expression, language, national origin, physical and mental ability, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status and other characteristics that make our employees unique. [Company Name’s] diversity initiatives are applicable—but not limited—to our practices and policies on recruitment and selection; compensation and benefits; professional development and training; promotions; social and recreational programs; and the ongoing development of a work environment built on the premise of gender and diversity equity that encourages and enforces: - Respectful communication and cooperation between all employees. - Teamwork and employee participation, permitting the representation of all groups and employee perspectives. - Work/life balance through flexible work schedules to accommodate employees’ varying needs. - Employer and employee contributions to the communities we serve to promote a greater understanding and respect for the diversity.

  • Our certifications

    B Corp

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